

verb re·cord \ri-ˈkrd\

: to write (something) down so that it can be used or seen again in the future : to produce a record of (something)

: to show a measurement of (something) : to indicate (something)

: to store (something, such as sounds, music, images, etc.) on tape or on a disk so that it can be heard or seen later : to produce a recording of (something)

Full Definition of RECORD

transitive verb
a (1) :  to set down in writing :  furnish written evidence of (2) :  to deposit an authentic official copy of <record a deed>
b :  to state for or as if for the record <voted in favor but recorded certain reservations>
c (1) :  to register permanently by mechanical means <earthquake shocks recorded by a seismograph>
(2) :  indicate, read <the thermometer recorded 90°>
:  to give evidence of
:  to cause (as sound, visual images, or data) to be registered on something (as a disc or magnetic tape) in reproducible form
intransitive verb
:  to record something
re·cord·able \-ˈkr-də-bəl\ adjective

Origin of RECORD

Middle English, literally, to recall, from Anglo-French recorder, from Latin recordari, from re- + cord-, cor heart — more at heart
First Known Use: 14th century


noun rec·ord \ˈre-kərd also -ˌkrd\

Definition of RECORD

:  the state or fact of being recorded
:  something that records: as
a :  something that recalls or relates past events
b :  an official document that records the acts of a public body or officer
c :  an authentic official copy of a document deposited with a legally designated officer
d :  the official copy of the papers used in a law case
a (1) :  a body of known or recorded facts about something or someone especially with reference to a particular sphere of activity that often forms a discernible pattern <a good academic record> <a liberal voting record> (2) :  a collection of related items of information (as in a database) treated as a unit
b (1) :  an attested top performance
(2) :  an unsurpassed statistic
:  something on which sound or visual images have been recorded; specifically :  a disc with a spiral groove carrying recorded sound for phonograph reproduction
for the record
:  for public knowledge :  on the record
off the record
:  not for publication <spoke off the record> <remarks that were off the record>
of record
:  being documented or attested <a partner of record in several firms>
:  being authoritative or sanctioned <a newspaper of record>
on record
:  in the position of having publicly declared oneself <went on record as opposed to higher taxes>
:  being known, published, or documented <the judge's opinion is on record>
on the record
:  for publication

First Known Use of RECORD

14th century


adjective \same as 2\

: best or most remarkable among other similar things

Full Definition of RECORD

:  of, relating to, or being one that is extraordinary among or surpasses others of its kind

First Known Use of RECORD



noun re·cord \ri-ˈkrd\

Definition of RECORD

:  a function of an electronic device that causes it to record

First Known Use of RECORD


Other Audio Recording Terms

baffle, dub, fidelity, transcription, treble
RECORD[2] Defined for Kids


verb re·cord \ri-ˈkrd\

Definition of RECORD for Kids

:  to set down in writing <He recorded his thoughts in a journal.>
:  to show a measurement of <A seismograph records the strength of earthquakes.>
:  to change sound or visual images into a form (as on an optical disk or hard drive) that can be listened to or watched at a later time


noun rec·ord \ˈre-kərd\

Definition of RECORD for Kids

:  something written to give proof of something or tell about past events <I read the historical record.>
:  something that recalls or tells about past events <the fossil record>
:  a performance or achievement that is the best of its kind <It's a new record for the fastest mile.>
:  the known or recorded facts about a person or thing <He has a good school record.>
:  something on which sound or visual images have been recorded
of record
:  made known in public documents
on record
:  published in official documents


adjective rec·ord \ˈre-kərd\

Definition of RECORD for Kids

:  outstanding among other like things <a record crop> <record high temperatures>


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